Sunday, 09 March 2025

Placement - Server Housing

When a company is growing and its services over the Internet become more demanding, it soon realizes that a shared web hosting is not enough to give the adequate service to its customers and suppliers. Your page or system becomes slow when there are many users connected, and you are limited by the provider to install updates or new features in the hosting service. It is at this time that the possibility of changing and renting a dedicated server should be considered.
There are multiple variations of dedicated servers, but in general they can be divided into three main variations, from which all the others follow. Based on these we find the rental of dedicated servers, purchase of dedicated servers and placement of dedicated servers.

Rent and Sale of Servers

  • Rent of spaces for servers.
  • Sale of HP dedicated servers.
  • Internet network connection.
  • Dedicated IP's IPv4 and IPv6.
  • 24/7 monitoring and support.
  • Electric backup.
  • Redundancy throughout our network.

Space Rental - Cabinets

For the high-demand business and corporate sector we have the alternative of placing complete 42U cabinets in rental mode. These cabinets are equipped with backup UPS and Internet connection on demand.

We have the following modalities available:

  • Complete cabinet in common space.
  • Complete cabinet in private spaces.
  • Complete cabinets with a private network connection.

NOCPERU - DATA CENTER, is the first corporate data center dedicated to companies, a robust and stable system developed with fiber optic connectivity and operated by the highest international standards.

Contact Us

Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú
01 641 1239
044 64 3108
01 305-749-5753
+51 902 524 298