Thursday, 16 May 2024

Now, Google is fully entering the world of video games

In a socioeconomic context marked by a decline in sales of mobile terminals, large technology companies continue to explore new aspects of the market that allow them to cushion the drop in income that arises from such a situation. And, among all the options they have been exploring, it seems that the video game sector has been one of those that has attracted the most attention. Google, the best example of this: Just a few hours ago officially announcing, but in test format, Playables, its new entertainment proposal.

Just a few months ago, Netflix popped the surprise by including a games tab in an interface that until then had been reserved exclusively for the playback of series, movies and documentaries. The objective of such action was to begin to progressively separate itself from its sole focus in order to progressively attract a greater number of users within the entertainment category in its broadest definition. 

Google seems, through YouTube, to follow a similar strategy. While it is true that the American company has already tried something similar, without much success, through Google Stadia, it has currently chosen YouTube as its testing ground. Playables is the name of this new platform that is expected to be in the testing phase over the next few months until it is finally officially established. 

For all types of devices

While Netflix has attempted its foray into the video game sector by focusing solely on mobile devices, Google has wanted to differentiate itself by activating this functionality on all types of platforms: Both in the desktop version and in any mobile interface. 

From the official Google blog, the company states that this new tab will not be active for all users, but rather a selective sampling will be carried out that, depending on how it progresses, will be deployed to new accounts. But, at the moment, they have not determined any specific date.



However, one of the aspects that has been given special emphasis is how important it is to have YouTube history activated. With this, we will be able to consult the different games with which we have interacted and the progress accumulated in each of them regardless of the device from which we have decided to advance in our game. 

No confirmed game catalog

At the time of writing these lines, Google has not yet commented on the catalog of games that it is going to incorporate into this new functionality and it is unknown if part of the titles that will be present will be those that were already accessible from Google Stadia or if, On the contrary, it will bet on new mini-games or short graphic adventures designed to capture our attention for short periods of time. 

The reality is that the concept seems completely different, avoiding having to resort to external apps and integrating this new service into the YouTube application itself. A new approach that, through the latest updates to the Shorts and new game proposals, is increasingly focused on becoming an entertainment hub for its users. 

Meanwhile, the only thing we officially know is that Playables is currently in the testing phase and we will have to wait a while to find out more information and the final result of this test. Meanwhile, enjoy if we are chosen users to start testing their titles until we know more about the policy and final availability.



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