Keys to success for your online business 2022

Covid-19 caused a huge expansion of online sales: the ban introduced thousands of people to e-commerce two years ago and has been unstoppable ever since. In the text below, we dive into the data that works and how an electronic project becomes a success.

The e-commerce boom

Electronic commerce is consolidated as an economic engine. Just check if e-commerce has doubled its market share. While it was around 1.5% in 2019, it is currently 2.9%.

Tips for successful e-commerce

All of this has underlined the need for an online presence. For this reason, we will tell you several keys to achieve it in the best possible way:

Pay attention to the first impression

First of all, it should be noted how important it is to choose the server that hosts your WordPress. Keeping in mind the speed of the internet, increasing the speed of loading and the performance of your website are paramount factors. In other words, technical issues should not be ignored, as a slow website can lead to a high rate of outages..



A picture is worth a thousand words

Stick to this idea: your customers don't read, they scan. For this you need a series of images for your products and easy-to-understand texts:

  1. Pay attention to the images on your site. If they are not pretty, the user will not trust them and will buy them. The more attractive they are, the more likely they are to sell.

  2. Your text should be broken into small, neat, recognizable blocks. Thus, people will clearly and quickly identify your merchandise, its title, description, etc.

  3. Your product page should be as effective as possible. This is another key to getting sales in an e-commerce.




Keep registration simple

Think about what information you really need from your customers. As for registration, an email and a password are more than enough for any activity.

If you later need to send a request to a user, it allows adding an address, but do so when appropriate. Sometimes more information is required when creating an account, which puts many people off.

Sometimes it is interesting to allow the purchase in "guest" mode (without normal registration) to speed up these processes.

A good brand image

Place customer reviews on your website to build trust in your business. Think about what we live on the internet. According to the latest research, 90% of consumers prefer to read reviews online before visiting a store or using its services.

Offer different payment options

An online store cannot exist without paying for sales. Provide a wide variety of payment options so users can always pay easily.



Add live chat

Live chat allows users to ask questions before making a purchase decision. This represents an opportunity to increase the conversion rate or improve the customer experience. In addition, it is an effective and fast means of communication with the client..



Constancy and hard work are among the basic requirements of any business, regardless of its type of activity. You should always control everything and organize it well so as not to endanger your project or, worse yet, your own financial resources. For the safety of both, the following should always be considered:

  • Have contracted the necessary insurance for the development of the planned activity.

  • Possibility of additional comprehensive insurance for new entrepreneurs and consolidated businessmen.

  • Protect your business from your private capital. If you have valuable tools or work materials in the office, you need to protect them with theft insurance and/or an alarm system for your business. Both can prevent you from gathering your own funds and thus continue with your activity.

Now that it is clear that e-commerce is on the rise, the need to be present on the web is clearer than ever. But not everything is good. There are a number of fundamental issues that need to be addressed for an e-business to be successful. Have you already implemented these tips?