Netflix released one of the most anticipated features

The streaming platform listened to the opinions of its users and launched a widely demanded function.

The streaming service has become one of the most chosen by Internet users to enjoy a moment of entertainment from the comfort of home. But, in addition, for a long time the company has been characterized by trying to attend to user complaints.

In this sense, Netflix has incorporated a highly demanded function and from now on it allows you to delete television series and movies that you have started to watch from the "Continue watching" section from your application for televisions and other platforms.

In this way, the contents of this list can be removed and for this they have explained the procedure from their support website. It is that as various users made public from Netflix , they expressed themselves through social networks, and confirmed that they did not want the platform to continue reminding them of programs that they had already seen or that they had no intention of continuing.

It is worth mentioning that the Netflix section, "Keep watching", includes all the content that has started to be seen but has not been finished. All series and movies are included , regardless of the time spent on them, and until now there was no function to delete them.

To remove a series from "Continue Watching ", users have to click on it and, from the options on the page, choose the new "Remove from Continue Watching" feature.

