Cloudflare fends off a multi-vector DDoS attack

Recently, Cloudflare experienced one of its largest DDoS attacks in history. The DDoS assault peaked at 2 Tbps and was multi-vector in nature. Cloudflare reassured its consumers that its system is ready to discover and mitigate attacks of this scale.

In a blog post, Cloudflare announced that its system discovered and lessened the effects of a DDoS attack, which peaked close to 2 Tbps. The company claimed that this was the biggest attack that it had ever experienced. The attack ended in one minute and was classified as multi-vector as it consisted of UDP floods and DNS amplification attacks. To launch the DDoS assault, hackers utilized 15,000 Mirai-variant bots that operated on unpatched code and IoT devices.

This incident carries on the trend of large multi-terabit DDoS attacks. Cloudflare’s Q3 report found that these types of assaults rose by 44% each quarter and multi-terabit attacks that affect its consumers have also been detected in Q4.

Cloudflare’s system continuously monitors traffic samples and it successfully identified and mitigated the DDoS attack within sub-seconds without hampering performance or producing latency. The system assigned signatures, which were matched against the attack patterns and prevented legitimate traffic from being impeded.

Cloudflare asserted that it is working towards developing a safer and more dependable internet and its DDoS team aims to completely eliminate the effects of all future DDoS attacks.


