This is how you can send files faster in Windows 11

If you're in a hurry and need to cut down on file transfer times as much as possible, there are a few tricks that will allow you to get the most out of your Windows 11 computer.

Our Windows 11 computer allows us to use some settings to optimize the transfer time between files. A set of solutions to improve performance by disabling those options that we are not going to use and that can be of great help when we are in a hurry. We tell you how to send files faster with Windows 11.

Use USB 3.0 ports instead of 2.0

If the external drive you want to transfer files to is compatible with the speeds offered by the USB 3.0 port, use this port to carry out the information exchange.

USB 3.0 allows us to enjoy transfer speeds that are much faster than those found in USB 2.0 ports, so there is no point in not using them if we have them and our external storage drives are compatible.

Caution with antivirus

The following advice that we are going to offer you should only be followed if you fully trust both the source computer and the destination of your files. Otherwise, it is not advisable to follow our instructions due to the exposure to any type of malware that you may encounter.

Antivirus software uses real-time scanning of the files it is copying to check that they are indeed free of viruses and do not pose a risk to any of the computers involved. However, this also causes some slowdowns that we are not always willing to tolerate.

If this is our case, all you have to do is disable this real-time analysis to avoid disproportionate consumption of resources that could compromise your user experience.

Use file comprehension

It is not always necessary to use complex resources to be able to minimize the size of the documents that we want to transfer to a second device. In many cases, the most effective solution is the simplest one and, in this case, file compression is one of those measures that can work best for us.

The process is very simple, we need to open the file explorer and select the files we want to compress. Then, once everything is properly compressed, we can send the ZIP directly to the destination drive.

If you are short on resources, close all applications

Depending on your computer, you may find that your PC is a bit short on specs and that when you want to transfer a large volume of files, performance will suffer considerably. If this is the case, all you need to do is make sure to close all the applications you have running in the background, which could be consuming resources unnecessarily. Once you have done this, you will notice how the transfer speed improves noticeably.

As we have seen, there are many options we have to optimize the performance of our PC and thus improve the speed of file transfer. If none of the above work, and you continue to have speed problems, the only thing left to do is to be patient until our files can be transferred from one drive to another.